Well, tis done. My first placement is over now. I felt quite sad at the end. The kids had made this lovely card for me. There were flowers and choccies as well. Yesterday was my last numeracy lesson with them and we had been looking at 3D figures. I wanted it to be a bit of an easy ride for them (and for me!) so I had printed out some nets of 3D shapes. This kept them entertained in every spare moment yesterday and today. But the thing is they were all wanting to give them to me as presents. I have more little cardboard boxes than I know what to do with, now! It's a shame I won't be seeing the children again. It is a super school and not only were the children a delight, the staff were superb, really helpful, supportive and friendly. Another one I would work at, given a chance. This has been a far cry from my Secondary PGCE first placement. This school has clearly been my nice school - what will they have in store for me next? I shudder to think! Well there is Seville to think about first.
Just a quick posting - I am off out this evening. My uni curriculum group are meeting for a Christmas meal/end of placement celebration. Should be good to compare notes.
I remember leaving my first teaching job. My form bought me a tankard with "To Suthi (sic) Thanks for being a 'mint' for tutor. Love from all 8/8"
I spent the rest of the day blubbing like a baby!
You can't help but get attached to the little tykes, can you?
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