Sunday, May 04, 2008

PGCE Final placement - Week 1 of 9 Star of the Week!

Week 1 in the new placement school is thankfully out of the way. The children are a delight, I am growing quite fond of them but naturally, while the cat is away, the mice will play and they do take advantage of the fact that their own teacher is not there. I had to give them a bit of a talking to last week as they really were taking the mickey. But I want really to cultivate the approach of a teacher we can have a bit of fun with but we know that there are boundaries that we mustn't cross. My mentor is encouraging me to go for the positive approach to behaviour management, ie praising good behaviour rather than nagging about bad behaviour. She says that it probably takes longer to win them over in this way but that ultimately the children want to please you.

The high note of this week was that I had to get up and give the merit awards to three children in our class at the assembly on Friday. All of the class teachers have to do this. I got a lot of praise for my first 'performance' in front of the school and before I sat down, the Head Teacher gave me a sticker! I wore it with pride all day Friday!


Anonymous said...

good to hear it's going well Carole. positive reinforcement is def worth using and putting into place. It might take a bit longer, but in the end the rewards are well worth the wait, and it really shows the children how much you respect them. Hope the next 8 weeks go well.! sonia

Holy Famoley said...

Cheers Sonia. My tutor from college is observing me first thing on Thursday so I'm a bit nervous about that. But at least I can relax for a bit once that is over.

Anonymous said...

I'll prayer it goes well for you Carole.sonia

Holy Famoley said...

Thanks Sonia - I appreciate that. Mind you I've been told the school will be doing their observation tomorrow morning. Literacy. Non -chronological reports. How dull is that for 7 year olds?

Anonymous said...

Hope your observations went well Carole, have been praying for you this week.sonia

AnneDroid said...

Woo hoo! A sticker! Well done you. Why can't adults get stickers for good behaviour? At my school you got a gold star (sticker) for good work and you could even get a gold star on your paint tray if you kept it clean and nice (I never did though).

I'm really glad it's going well. On my blog yesterday (9/5/08) I was singing the praises of you teachery types. Heroes, all of you...


Holy Famoley said...

Thanks, Sonia. I appreciate that.

Anne - yep, I appreciate all that teachery types do, too. When I grow up I'd like to be like them!

Anonymous said...

go for it!

Holy Famoley said...

Cheers Edd!