On Saturday we visited my newest great-nephew (God, that makes me sound old!). Little Michael Craig was 6 days old. I even got to feed him his bottle. I'm a bit out of practice but it soon came back. This is actually a big thing for me as babies do scare me a bit. I am not the kind of woman who instantly grabs a new baby and does all the coochy-coo bit. I politely say how lovely the child is, let it practise its grasp reflex on my finger and then make my excuses to leave. That's me holding the baby with his nana, my big sis looking on.
There is something so good about being part of an expanding family. It gives me a sense of being part of something that will continue long after I'm pushing up daisies. And it is good to know that even when it seems the world is conspiring against you, there is a whole bunch of people who would gladly fight your corner for you. Since my mum died, we have been really close as a family, not that we weren't close before but it has somehow been strengthened. That is the legacy that she left us with. I feel very privileged.
How sweet. I do love wee babies. I'd love another but I find that they turn into children.
And I so agree about the family thing. Your mum would be so glad you're all still so close - so often the matriarchal figure is the one who glues everyone together so it's great you've managed to remain close.
Yes Anne, I know what you mean - then they grow into dependent adults!
My dad was very much a keystone. When he died we didn't really know what to do with ourselves and drifted a bit. So it is great that mum has brought us so close again.
Congratulations! A new baby does always seem to bring Joy into the world!
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