Wednesday, September 05, 2007

PGCE Day 3 - La Rentrée

Off to a primary school today. I had chosen it (a) because it was one of the only two schools which responded to my request and (b) I thought that being a downtown school it would be a nice contrast to anything I've experienced so far. But I was surprised in more ways than one. Firstly, it is actually a lovely school - a nice modern building. Secondly, the children were delightfully well-behaved. Thirdly, it is a very multi-cultural school with a large Bangladeshi contingent as well as a couple of Chinese children and one Polish boy. I have always thought of the Wirral as being peculiarly monocultural so it was really bizarre to hear the teachers saying to the class, "If you want to fast at Ramadan, you have to get your parents to sign this permission slip."

It was a good experience generally but being the first day back for the kids after the summer break, there was a lot of admin to sort out and not a great deal of teaching being done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A very rich and interesting experience. I'm a retired teacher and I've already taught in kindergarten for many years. I loved my job. Hugs.